Highlands Missions

You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
-Acts 1:8

Our Jerusalem

Highlands is reaching out to our community and sharing the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ to people right where they are, and drawing them to our gracious God where they can experience forgiveness and find new life in Jesus Christ. Highlands reaches the community through Senior Meal Deliveries and other service ministries.

Our Samaria

Every Summer the Highlands Youth go on a local or State-Side Mission Trip. The last few years they have participated in Widows Ministry where they touch the lives of local widows and others in need. Periodically throughout the year, the church also participates in local missions and community service opportunities.

Our Ends of the Earth

Highlands is also reaching the world and sharing the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ through our Denomination’s World Witness. We also directly support Missionaries so that the whole world may know our gracious God and learn where they can experience forgiveness and find new life in Christ.